Public services
By the end of the Parliament, day to day spending on public services will be £100 billion higher in cash terms than it is today
The NHS Settlement provided the largest cash increase in public services since the Second World War - an additional £33.9 billion per year by 2024
This Budget commits more than £6 billion of new funding to support the NHS, including:
to create 50m more GP surgery appointments
ensure there are 50,000 more nurses
fund wider commitments on hospital car parking and support for people with learning disabilities and autism
The Budget is investing over £100 million in 2020-21 to make progress on the 40 new hospital projects announced as part of the Health Infrastructure Plan and providing £683 million additional funding to the Department of Health and Social Care to protect the level of NHS operational capital investment
£1.5 billion will be invested to upgrade Further Education colleges
£120 million for up to eight new Institutes of Technology and £7m for a total of eleven maths schools, so students can access high quality STEM provision everywhere
£95 million for providers to buy up-to-date facilities and equipment to support delivery of T Levels, our new technical education qualification
£90 million per annum to fund arts activities for all secondary school pupils and £29 million to boost PE and competitive sport in primary schools