The government is investing record amounts in Britain’s roads, railways, broadband, housing and research – over the next five years the public sector will invest more than half a trillion pounds (£640bn) and by the end of the Parliament net investment will be triple the average over the last forty years in real terms
£27 billion between now and 2025 to improve vital transport routes. New road projects include:
A66 in the North East
Lower Thames Crossing in the South East
A303 Stonehenge in South West
£2.5 billion will be spent on fixing potholes
Eight elected Mayors will get long-term settlements for local transport worth £4.2 billion
£5 billion to help people access gigabit-capable broadband in the most difficult to reach areas of the UK.
Over £500 million to extend 4G mobile coverage to 95% of the UK
£12.2 billion to build more affordable homes.
Government research and development spending will rise to £22 billion by 24/25, the largest and fastest increase in R&D investment on record