All too often people, including us, can get sucked into a whirlpool of deadlines and increasing work pressures. I thought it would be good to use this moment to remind ourselves of the top 10 things that can lead to a better work life balance.
There is nothing new about this list but I bet you may pick up on one or two that can ease your mind, ease your stress and ultimately increase your efficiency and those around you.
So - in no particular order:
1. Just say no - do you really need to be available 24 hours a day?
2. Leave work at work - if you work at home shut down the computer and switch phone to silent
3. Forget about reaching perfection - sounds weird, but the line between a great job done and perfection can take hours of extra work and many times a great job done is just that!
4. Don't be a martyr - wait to see if someone else volunteers
5. Think about retirement - what I mean is if you suddenly stop work what are your hobbies and interests - you should have time for some now
6. Set your own rules - find your own work life balance - we are not all the same
7. Work smarter not harder - work out how long you should spend on a task and stick to it.
8. Don't let emails rule your day - step away from the email. You had planned your day!
9. Plan a free period or two in your diary - I mean actually put a scheduled time slot in for nothing (call it research or something!) Stops people, and yourself booking back to back tasks and allows for catch up time.
10. Eat and Drink - we don't all need breaks but our bodies need fuel